More about Privatization
Privatizing is as American as apple pie? Remember the good old days when we decided for ourselves how we were going to stand in society? We all wanted to be “American Citizens” with full rights and freedoms of such by “The Constitution for the united States of America, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation was and still are beautiful documents describing laws pertaining to all “American Citizens.” However, things got really out of control.
Politicians started lying, cheating , stealing, and having immoral adulterous affairs, while illegal immigrants commit crimes and cannot be charged; deported only to return again, taking advantage of our healthcare, jobs while not paying taxes, but get school funding and other welfare, government programs, and perks. All of this while “American Citizens” have to go to work, pay taxes, pay for school, and vow to put our own lives on the line for our country, should the armed forces need us. So we ask ourselves, how did this happen? What went wrong?
We’ll you won’t hear this in “their” controlled media but essentially; politicians have international diplomatic immunity, meaning that they cannot be prosecuted for “their” criminal activities, illegal immigrants have a form of international diplomatic immunity. Immigrants do not have to adhere to the laws of the United States because they are not “Citizens of the United States” so guess what, when they do something illegal, they just get temporary detainment and then they get sent back from where ever they came from. How can that be? “THEY ARE NOT BOUND BY OUR LAWS.” THAT’S HOW! They are bound by the laws in their countries, not ours.
Everything comes down to contract law. All law is contract law. Right now if you don’t know where you stand but you know you’re not an illegal immigrant, you are probably a “U.S Citizen” (Or Here on a Visa). If you like being a “U.S Citizen” then you should at least know what that means from a legal standpoint. You need to comprehend that you have no standing defense to most situations that come up; including but not limited to; jurisdiction and/or corporate civil, criminal and human rights by “their” unpromulgated laws.
People who are privatized do so, in order to have lawful protection with legal standing protecting themselves from oppressive corporate government[s]; by not limited to; eliminating and changing the corporate governments expressed and implied contracts through our clients newly obtained knowledge and our company. Once you comprehend (instead of understanding or standing under) these contracts, you will be able to change them to your benefit. In most cases you limit liabilities (civil or criminal) and in other cases you may be able to eliminate or off set, discharge, set off and charge off “their “claimed accounts (debt) thru “their” lawful balance book adjustments. After clients get privatized, rarely do they ever appear in any court, if they do it is on their own volition as plaintiffs.
Knowledge is power as said; many have spent lifetimes working on this research, development and information; to protect; We the people, for the people, by the people, so now with their knowledge to protect you….
If you want the closest thing to having international diplomatic immunity, we recommend contacting us.
We have a few packages to start, so consider the benefits of each package:
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