Did you know that there is a 99.9% chance that you’re local, state, and federal for profit corporate government actually owns and control you and your property? You are constantly being coerced into signing contracts; you do not have the money or time to hire an attorney “at” law; it’s a trap that you do not understand. You keep working harder and harder; falling further and further behind; you are multitasking and you still can’t keep up; you ask yourself on a daily basis, what are you doing wrong? Chances are it’s not your fault. This is the real reason to get privatized.



With over 200 years in combined research and development, and tens of thousands of hours studying and researching international laws and numerous law maxims, Original Good Faith Privatization LLC put together four comprehensive member packages in order to protect you, your family, your businesses, your property, your life and your rights:

  • Privatize You’re “ALL CAPITAL NAME” – The all capital name is on all of your credit cards, utility, insurance, banking, tax statements, court documents, licenses, business certificates and all of your local, state and federal corporate government documents, that is the reality of it, right down to magazine subscriptions and video rental cards. However your reality, is that by your birth you are John Henry Doe not JOHN H. DOE. We tell the corporate government who you really are; in turn, restoring your God given rights and they won’t dispute this; guaranteed (defining their contractual deceptions) as the word person in all of “their” courts, offices, agencies, departments, bureaus, governments and law dictionaries literally means corporation, organization and association.
  • Privatize Your Own Social Security Account “Their” for profit corporate government and other persons set up your social security account and bonded it using you for collateral. Shouldn’t you at least be entitled to the available uses of that account since it is literally your money that you've paid into it? “Their” UNITED STATES CORPORATE GOVERNMENT is found on Dun and Brad Street and Manta as a Company. Google it for yourself.
  • Privatize Your Businesses / Drivers License / Passports- You agreed to get a license or passport to drive, travel or run your own business; but what you didn’t know, is by doing so; subjects you to “their” own corporate rules, regulations, statutes, sections, codes, laws and provisions should you decide to drive or use a license or run your businesses. We tell them, that you are now in control of all of “their” claimed contracts by enforcing true promulgated laws that are in place to protect you.
  • Privatize Your Own Marriage License Contract – That is correct your own marriage license is a public contract with “their” Corporate State, giving them complete domain over you and yes, your offspring. Wouldn’t you sleep better at night knowing that you have replaced “their” unlawful contracts with your own lawful and legally binding contracts through our company?
  • Privatize Your Own Voter Registration – If you're registered to vote, then you agreed that you are “their”  “PUBLIC CORPORATE GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES CITIZENS” so we let them know that you are a “Private American State National.” If any attorneys at law or anyone else ever have "Any Questions" PLEASE have them CALL 954 729-9339 Original Good Faith Privatization LLC a Privatized Company in Trust, we will be glad to answer any of “their” questions.
  • Privatize your 401Ks And Investment Retirement Accounts (IRA'S) – Any account you have with most large or small corporations and other banking institutions always use your “ALL CAPITAL NAME.” We let them know who you really are by securing your true God Given Family Name and your lawful rights so that you are in control.
  • Privatize your Credit Cards & Department Cards - The same as Bank accounts only now you will have the control to using the laws, attempt to eliminate your debts using your bond as you are now a Private American State National.
  • Privatize your Mortgages and Liens – You will now gain a legal reason to attempt to elevate these former obligations, as you are a Bonded Private American State National.

Why Choose Us?

What Paralegals Do?

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CQV Trust

Legal Privatization

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Wealth Building

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What Our Privatized Clients Think About Us...

  • OGFP assisted me with a judicial matter in which I was actually innocent. I was charged with a three-count felony in northern Michigan for counterfeit insurance, driving on a suspended license, and an improper Native American license plate. I served one day and I actually received money back from the bond because I was privatized. I gained control over government control leaving the court with charges dismissed. I highly recommend getting privatized.

    Gordon L.
  • I have always cherished my God-Giving freedoms, along with my Constitutional freedoms that founded this nation. OGFP Privatization gives me back these freedoms that have been stolen from me. I have many successes in defending these freedoms of mine over the years through privatization. I anticipate this for the rest of my life here on earth.

    Heatherlee L.
  • As one of the first to get this privatization, I have for over a decade now, enjoyed a greatly reduced hassle factor from government minions, including but not limited to police and IRS officers and agents. I wanted to notify government that I was separate from the strawman that they created when I was born but I got a whole lot more than that. The "Legal Notice And Presentment", which is included with the service, was instrumental in squelching several police encounters.

    Larry M.
  • Since I became Privatized my life has opened up in new ways! Now I live my life in confidence knowing I will not be harassed or have my due process protections violated. The process is so thorough; I have memorandums and formats for any scenario I can think of. Knowing is more than half the battle, knowing really does make all the difference.

    Kaela Rae E.